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vineri, 11 februarie 2011

Interviuri cu David Wagner la prima vizita in Romania

Pentru partea a doua a interviului: Part 2 David Wagner

Make 2011 a year for vertical growth and learn the arts of Tachyon therapies!

David Wagner is making a special tour to Belgium and Romania this year, students permitting, which creates a wonderful opportunity to meet and learn from the Master himself.
We invite you to learn more about these life enhancing seminars, by first becoming a registered user of our educational website at the University Of Integrated Science.

Registering for UISCA is FREE and comes with the benefit of sign-up bonuses and discounts for online courses.
After you have registered for UISCA, don’t miss out on your chance to unite with your true potential in 2011, by signing up for the workshops suited for your current stage of healing!
You may wonder why our courses have been taught throughout the world, especially in full-to-capacity workshops in India and Europe.
The reason is that Tachyon works! Tachyon changes lives!
Tachyon is the source of all frequencies and provides the greatest possible healing with no chance of over or under using the tools created to direct its force.

Your Tachyon Team

Tahionii energia vindecatoareUISCA

University of Integrated Science California